Poject Covitalty, UC Santa Barbara

Project Covitality

University of California Santa Barbara

School Mental Health Collaborative

Project Covitality

Validation of a Measure to Assess the Social-Emotional Health of Secondary Students

Project Covitality gratefully acknowledges funding from the Institute of Education Sciences that is supporting enhanced research on the measurement of youths' social emotional health and its use as part of best practice school based universal assessment (2016-2020; R305A160157).

The Social Emotional Health Survey (SEHS) is a validated tool for evaluating secondary students' social-emotional well-being. It is crucial in assessing critical elements of high school students' social-emotional health, strongly correlated with positive academic, social, behavioral, and quality-of-life outcomes. This is particularly important during the transition to high school, marked by increasing educational demands, diverse social interactions, and the pressure of adult responsibilities. These elements also lay the foundation for a successful transition into adulthood.