Resources for Fostering Emotional Competence

Watch, Care, Respond


What are Positive and Negative Emotions and Do We Need Both?

Emotion Monitoring Resources:

Yale Child Study Center Mood Meter

CLOSEGAP How are you Feeling

Empathy is the ability to share someone else’s feelings or motivations and to understand their perspective. Affective empathy is the ability to emotionally relate to someone else’s feelings. Cognitive empathy is the ability to imagine what someone else is feeling.

Empathy Worksheets and Resources (Teachers Pay Teachers)

Empathy for Students

5 Tips for Empathy-Building in Youth (including video game resources)

Kindness and Compassion

Make Caring Common Project: Resources for Educators

How to Help your Child's Compassion Grow

How One School is Teaching Empathy After the Election

If You’re Stressed, You Need Empathic Friends

Three SEL Skills You Need to Discuss Race in Classrooms

How to Stay Empathic without Suffering So Much

Three Ways for Schools to Help Kids Cultivate Kindness

How to Listen with Compassion in the Classroom

Educating for Empathy

Roots of Empathy Program

Building Empathy in Classrooms and Schools

Five Ways to Help Teens Think Beyond Themselves

The HEROES Project: Building Movement Toward Creating an Emotionally Wise World

Behavioral Self-control is the capability to control one’s behaviors or thoughts, particularly in difficult situations, in order to obtain a reward or avoid punishment.

Self-Control Worksheets and Resources (Teachers Pay Teachers)

Breath-Counting Mindfulness Practice for Tweens and Teens

Four Ways to Gain Perspective on Negative Events

Five Tips for Helping Teens Manage Technology

Five Ways to Help Misbehaving Kids

Can Mindfulness Help Kids Learn Self-Control?

Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, and Plan" WOOP builds self-control

Self-Regulation in the Classroom (games and exercises)

Self-Regulated Learning for Academic Success

Emotion Regulation refers to how we manage our emotions and our efforts to control what emotions we feel, when we feel them, and how we experience and express them.

Emotion Regulation Worksheets and Resources (Teachers Pay Teachers)

Yale Child Study Center RULER Program

How to Help Teens Handle the Loss of Proms and Graduation

SEL for Students: Self-Awareness and Self-Management

Nine Things Educators Need to Know About the Brain

Four Lessons from “Inside Out” (the movie) to Discuss with Kids

How to Help Teenagers Manage Risk

Nine Tips for Teaching Emotional Regulation (Improve Classroom Behavior at Same Time)

Zones of Regulation® /Emotional Regulation Activities

30 Games and Activities for Self-Regulation

Best 25 Emotional Regulation Ideas (practical ideas)

Emotional Regulation Lessons

Self-Management Toolkit

Universal, Tier 1, wellness screening informs school-site care teams about its students' mental wellness... AND... very importantly, it provides information about ALL students' life satisfaction and emotional wellbeing... which, in turn, provides guidance about needed prevention and intervention services. This section offers information for school-site care coordination teams as they care for their children.

NASP COVID-19 Resource Center