University of California Santa Barbara

Project Covitality


The Social Emotional Health Survey– Secondary (SEHS-S) is a 36-item self-report measure that assesses youth’s strengths. Confirmatory factor analyses and invariance testing across multiple groups suggest a higher order-factor structure, with 12 subscales loading onto four second-order traits of belief in self (self-awareness, persistence, self-efficacy), belief in others (school support, family coherence, peer support), emotional competence (empathy, self-control, behavioral self-control), and engaged living (gratitude, zest, and optimism). The second-order traits load onto a higher-order latent trait called covitality. The SEHS-S-2020 is the most recent validated form.


The Social Emotional Health Survey-Higher Education (SEHS-HE), is a multidimensional measure of covitality. Confirmatory factor analyses found acceptable fit for the SEHS-HE higher-order covitality latent structure. A final set of 36 items consisted of four latent traits: belief-in-self (sub-scales: self-efficacy, persistence, self-awareness), belief-in-others (sub-scales: family support, institutional support, peer support), emotional competence (sub-scales: cognitive reappraisal, empathy, self-regulation), and engaged living (subscales: gratitude, zest, optimism).  .


Higher Education


The SEHS-P is a 20-item self-report measure of covitality for primary school children. Covitality in the SEHS-P is measured from 16 items, with 4 items each assessing gratitude, optimism, zest and persistence. An example item for gratitude is “I am lucky to go to my school.” An example item for optimism is “I expect good things to happen at my school/" An example item for zest is “I get excited when I learn something new at school.” An example item for persistence is “I keep working until I get my schoolwork right.”

Contact us for the latest SEHS-P updates.


Social Emotional Health Surveys